Internal Comms Associate
Chief People Officer
IT Project Manager
Choose how you want to manage GoLinks® for your organization.
Get peace of mind knowing you can access Go Links® on your redeye flight.
Each go link includes its own changelog for total transparency.
Share Go Links® in hallway conversations, quick chats, or plaster it on posters.
Save time by sharing and resolving Go Links® directly in Slack channels.
Use one go link for multiple destinations with the use of variables.
Create hidden or personal Go Links® that are only accessible by those you share with.
Roll out in minutes using our browser extension or DNS integration.
Our security and uptimes meet industry and cloud-service standards.
OKTA, OneLogin, Azure, Ping, custom SAML, and auto provisioning options.
Share Go Links® across a few or many domains your company may have.
We take care of migrating over any existing Go Links® and accompanying data.
Our commitment to how your data is collected, transported and stored.
Compliant with GDPR and privacy laws around the world.
Delivering maximum reliability to all our customers.
Annual application pentests and security testing.
Happy to find out that Confluent uses one of the commercial go link services - in this case it's @GoLinks. I'm a happy person again.
If you've ever worked at a large tech company, you've experienced short links that
aren't real domains such as //work. Golinks is working to bring this to all
organizations. Can see this being ubiquitous across companies in a few years
When I worked at Google, one of my absolute favorite internal tools was go/links.
In short, it let you replace lengthy URLs with shorter go/links.
e.g. go/payroll
@GoLinks lets ANY
build upon this amazing
I may be late to discovering this - but the value creation in human time saving could be staggering
came across an entire company for simple URLs to get teams on the same page
I ❤️ keyboard shortcuts. While not technically a keyboard shortcut, one of my favorites is using @GoLinks to quickly navigate to a webpage from the browser. I use it to quickly go to @marketo, @salesforce, @outreach_io, and others.
This is awesome! Google and a few other companies have their own custom solutions but it is much needed for everyone else. Kudos to the team on what looks like a slick and super useful product!
It's brilliant and elegant. I so love the Omnibox search feature. Keyboard actions will forever be faster and more satisfying than cursor actions.